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“Home Away From Home LALASHAN

We had a memorable 2 nights stay at Fu-Yam. It really is a wonderful home-away-from-home. The rooms are cosy and the minsu compound is beautifully landscaped. With nature all around, being surrounded by forest and a creek, it is tranquil and soothes the weary souls.

We were especially touched by Mr and Mrs Chung’s warmth and hospitality. Even their dog, Kilo, is just a friendly, gentle giant.

Guests can help themselves to the floral/herbal tea and coffee any time. They serve delicious meals with fresh vegetables from their own garden. It was simply relaxing just chatting with fellow guests and the owners over a hot pot of tea under the stars after dinner!

Mr Chung took us for a trek on Lalashan and also brought us to explore along the creek later that day. What was most forgettable was Mr Chung roasting sweet potatoes for our supper. He even let us light fire-crackers knowing that we hardly have such a chance to do so in Singapore!

Their service is first-class which is beyond the call of duty. When they found out that we had problems booking train tickets to one of our destinations, Mr Chung went all out to seek a friend’s help to secure the tickets for us.

We felt like we arrived as guests but left as friends. We would certainly return to Fu-yam if we have the chance.


Date2011-04-07 Hits11063