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What an amazing stay. The mountains are so peaceful-and the stream/river in the property is a tiny paradise. 

Brian and his family took such good care of me - arriving as I did during the double typhoon, holiday weekend. From the time I arrived they offered the perfect mix of making me feel welcome and giving me my space to relax and regenerate. Every meal they had great Taiwanese food, home grown and home cooked - with so many courses! And when we had to evacuate for the second typhoon, they made sure I was safely at my destination.

There was tea and coffee available all day for the making. The only thing I was missing was having some snacks or maybe a beer. I should have brought these small items with me-as I did not chose to bring a car and have local transport. 

Highly recommend this place!

Tirpadvisor Archblonde

Date2017-01-02 Hits2891