• ► 慎防詐騙,山莊不會要求您提供相關帳戶資料以及信用卡資料 請注意!
  • ► 訂房前 請詳閱 入住說明 以及客人常見問題.
  • 山莊房間內無提供冰箱 ,咖啡廳有提供 公用冰箱可使用
  • ► 官方line帳號 @fuyam ,歡迎加入
  • ► 福緣小叮嚀:為維護住房品質,請勿在室內吸煙 與煮食,敬請配合
旅客評價 ~~~Fantastic
We would like to thank Mr & Mrs Chung and our driver and guide, Sky for their very warm hospitality and kindness. We indeed enjoyed our 2 nights stay very much, with the fantastic view from our room, the delicious food that Mrs Chung prepared and the kindness of everybody at Fu Yam. We would highly recommend anyone who wishes to get away from the city and have some peace and quiet to stay in Fu Yam. We hope to be able to return again in the near future. Once again thanks a lot for everything! The persimmons that Mrs Chung gave us for our trip back to Taipei was delicious!


Date2010-12-08 Hits8830